Tag Archive: just for fun


Jul 15, 2013

Did you know you should always wear a helmet when buying a musical instrument? If you follow Ray Charles’ step by step plan, you sure are going to need one for all the shaking you’ll be doing.

Planet One

Jun 20, 2013

Animation Director Andy Martin has been creating an alien a day at his Tumblr, Illustrated Aliens, and then uses those illustrations to help compose a monthly animated short about what their planet is like. Above, his January 2013 planet, Planet One, where the musical inhabitants get together and get a bit more than they bargained for.

You can find them all here on Vimeo or at AndyMartin.info.

Rubber Duck Project

Jun 5, 2013

For the last month, the kids have been super into Florentijn Hofman’s Rubber Duck in Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour. On display until June 9, the Dutch artist’s six-story tall duck has previously floated around waters in Osaka, Sydney, Sao Paolo, and Amsterdam, and will soon be coming to a (currently secret) destination in the United States.

Check out more videos of this awesomeness right here.

Convos with My 2 Year Old

May 29, 2013

If you haven’t yet checked out this series by Matthew Clark, it’s a must watch. The father and film maker takes conversations with his 2 year old daughter and replaces her with a grown man. An absolutely hilarious concept, we hope he keeps going with this.

San Jose Shark Attax

May 20, 2013

Brent Burns, defenseman of the San Jose Sharks, sported some team pride at home over the weekend with our classic Shark Attax helmet. We’re always pumped at Raskullz headquarters to see any helmet go beyond the limits of just another piece of safety gear.

Good luck Sharks!

From A to B

May 10, 2013

This hidden camera adventure through the postal system, From A to B, began when Ruben van der Vleuten wanted to know, ”What happens when you send something by mail?”

So instead of sitting back I started a simple project to actually see it myself. I put a small camera in a box, build a timer circuit using Arduino and shipped it.

That’s as simple as it is. The timer circuit was set to make a 3 sec video every minute and make longer videos while the box was movin: to not miss on the ‘interesting’ parts.

…like conveyor belts! We love videos like this, not only because we get to see from a perspective that we’ve never seen before, but because it would make a great DIY project.

Fashion Animals

Apr 4, 2013

We thought the Raskullz crew was the most stylish pack of animals on the internet. From Princess Meow’s tiara to Shark Attax’ board shorts, but it looks like we’ll have to humbly accept second place to these dapper danimals:

See the whole series right here.


Apr 3, 2013

Check out this completely awesome video of voices turned into a unified song.  More than 300 random people on the streets of Israel, each repeating one single note, creating together one harmonious melody. No Auto-tune was used in the making of this video.

Balloon Boat

Mar 25, 2013

We absolutely love it when kids take the art of making into their own hands. Check out this awesome little video about a home-made balloon boat. If you want some more ideas on how to make your own balloon-powered vehicles, check this out.

Sea Otter Hoop Dreams

Mar 6, 2013

Check out Eddie the Sea Otter who likes to play basketball in his free time. Maybe we should make some kind of basketball-playing otter tribute gear?