Solar Freakin’ Roadways
June 5, 2014 11:32 pm Comments OffOur system of highways, roads, avenues, bike paths, sidewalks, and parking lots serve a clear and important purpose — the facilitation of easy transportation — but it could do so much more. With Solar Roadways, every paved surface in the country could one day be turned into a source of renewable energy, ultimately producing enough electricity to power our nation three times over.
And there’s more: programmable LEDs would send information to drivers, while eliminating the need for painted road markers, while built-in heat sources would make snowy and icy roads a thing of the past. While it seems a little pie-in-the-sky right now, they’ve already received funding from federal highway authorities to begin pilot programs — so a brave new world could be nearer than we ever thought possible. Donte today for as little as $5.
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This post was written by ianm