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Coming Soon: Character Mayhem!

May 7, 2013

Our little team skater, Annika Vrklan, spends the day in Raskullz Studios laying down her very first ever voice over for some new character work. All great voice actors use lots of “hands”. Can someone say ‘Nailed it!’?


May 1, 2013

S’mores + Peaches = S’meaches. Get the recipe here.

The Life of a Skateboarder

Apr 29, 2013

Between preparation, psyching oneself up, and the many failures, there’s a lot of time that goes into one skateboard trick. Photographer Sebastian Linda breaks down 60 minutes of a skateboarder’s day to see how every second is spent while trying to land a single trick.

Concurs De Castells

Apr 25, 2013

From the 2012 Concurs de Castells, a human tower-building competition in Tarragona, Spain, watch this video by photographer David Oliete.

A long tradition in the region, castells began at the end of the 18th century. The sport has rules, techniques, and team responsibilities to guard safety and success. The pinya or base is made of a few hundred people that can catch anyone who falls, and the tower itself has a variety of different formations. The top three levels are the pom de dalt, made up of children in helmets.

30 Days of Animation

Apr 23, 2013

A character in a moment, one created each day for 30 consecutive days, animated as an exercise of skill and imagination by UK-based animator Geoff King. He writes:

“It was difficult to even think of what to animate most days. I spent a few hours on average for each day, sometimes it felt like all day. I originally intended to do them quicker but they usually didn’t get going till the late evening. This also meant all the days where only ‘first passes’ or ‘straight aheads’. After the first 5 days I realised I should try to maintain a reasonable quality. It wasn’t easy, a lot of time was spent hitting a wall but I had fun trying something different everyday.”

Firefly Bike

Apr 22, 2013

Here at Raskullz HQ we’re a big fan of two things: Fun & Playing it Safe. The folks over at Geospace Studio have quite the concept invention on their hands in creating the totally radical new bike, the Firefly.

All weather? Check. Laser lights? Double check. Tron level fun? Triple check.

Triple check it out:

Canadian Tire Ad featuring Raskullz

Apr 17, 2013

It’s always awesome to see Raskullz helmets pop up around the wide world of bike riding. Check out this awesome new YouTube ad by Canadian Tire. It looks like they got almost all the Raskullz characters in one spot!

Raskullz Brigade

Apr 16, 2013

Ever think your life could use a little more radness? Do you wish something besides tire center coupons and bills would arrive in your household mailbox? Well, if you answered yes or no to either of those questions you should sign up for the Raskullz Brigade! We’ve got a revamped program going on designed to bring more awesomeness directly to your door. Members get all kinds of cool in the mail like membership materials and exclusive members-only Raskullz deals.

Check it out!

Apr 11, 2013

Here’s a new promo for the fabulous website What we find so awesome about the site is the way it takes the idea of learning a new skill and turns the process into a game.  We’re a big fan of fun & games here at Raskullz, and couldn’t be more stoked on the way they’ve taken the power of fun to the next level.