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High Tide with Sound Waves.

Mar 14, 2013

As we start gearing up for another summer of epic water sports and swimmy times, we thought it would be fun to take a look at a different kind of wave made of water. Sound waves. This awesome DIY project takes a rubber hose through a speaker and produces all kinds of dazzling visual effects.

Active Inspiration

Mar 11, 2013

A hilarious but humbling little animated video about what the world would look like if animals ate fast food. Just another reason to get out there and ride a bike!

Sea Otter Hoop Dreams

Mar 6, 2013

Check out Eddie the Sea Otter who likes to play basketball in his free time. Maybe we should make some kind of basketball-playing otter tribute gear?

DIY Ice Cream

Mar 6, 2013

Well this is just to delicious to pass up. An easy way to make your own ice cream. But just because you make it yourself doesn’t mean it’s okay eat ice cream for dinner. Or does it?

Dora the Destroyer

Mar 4, 2013

Check out this six-year-old cleaning house at the Chelles Battle international breakdancing competition.

Landfill Harmonic

Mar 1, 2013

Landfill Harmonic film teaser from Landfill Harmonic on Vimeo.

Cateura, Paraguay’s residents live on top of a landfill that gets 1,500 tons of solid waste each day, exposing the impoverished communities to unhealthy conditions. Most of the town works in the dump as recyclers, including many of the young people.

When local teacher Favio Chavez decided to teach the town’s children to play music using his own instruments, he soon had more students than instruments. The solution? He started teaching the students on instruments upcycled from trash and the Recycled Orchestra was born.

This trailer for the 2014 documentary, Landfill Harmonic, introduces the story of this youth orchestra and their community’s inspiring resourcefulness. The filmmakers also hope to bring attention to Cateura’s need for improved living conditions.

Insane Rope Swinging

Feb 28, 2013

This is the most insane thing we’ve ever seen. Ever. Better wear a helmet!