Do you have any video of your kids in Raskullz helmets? If so send it to us because we want to see it!!! If we post it we will send you a super rad something from the Raskullz gift vault.
Happy Friday Raskullz! Five days a week of work deserve a fabulous video dug up form School House rock that will makes counting those days up a whole lot more fun.
We thought the Raskullz crew was the most stylish pack of animals on the internet. From Princess Meow’s tiara to Shark Attax’ board shorts, but it looks like we’ll have to humbly accept second place to these dapper danimals:
Check out this completely awesome video of voices turned into a unified song. More than 300 random people on the streets of Israel, each repeating one single note, creating together one harmonious melody. No Auto-tune was used in the making of this video.
Here at Raskullz Headquarters we’re big fans of weird innovation, and the dinner table is the perfect canvas. We found this awesome recipe for some rainbow spaghetti over at Quick Dish.
If you thought learning to balance on a bike for the first time was hard, you should take a look at this short film by Tobias Hutzler. “Balance” perfectly conveys the tension in the room of such a performance.
We absolutely love it when kids take the art of making into their own hands. Check out this awesome little video about a home-made balloon boat. If you want some more ideas on how to make your own balloon-powered vehicles, check this out.
Bottle by Kirsten Lepore, a 2010 stop-motion animated story about a transoceanic, message-in-a-bottle conversation and the emotions that come with it. You can also watch how she made Bottle in this behind the scenes vid.