Feb 27, 2013A hilarious and contagious compilation in tribute to a universal happening for all you hard working mid-week people out there.
Yawns from Everynone on Vimeo.
A hilarious and contagious compilation in tribute to a universal happening for all you hard working mid-week people out there.
Yawns from Everynone on Vimeo.
Good afternoon worldwide Raskullz club. We’de like to introduce a new little feature here on the Raskullz site as to provide you with more sources of radical inspiration. Welcome to the Awesome Kid Spotlight. And our inaugural candidate for one awesome kid is the self-described Super Tom.
Now anyone that calls themselves super is in fact super in our book. But Tom’s superness goes way beyond self-applied nicknaming skills. Tom is just 7 years old and you can check out his awesome blog here.
From arts & crafts, to travel and culinary expertise, Tom is getting after it in all phases of life. It takes great dedication to one’s own curiosity to consistently put out such wonderfully insightful content, and Super Tom has done it superly.
Got an awesome kid you’d like to spotlight for their awesomeness? Just send us a message at promo@c-preme.com and we’d love to share our story with our following of fellow Raskullz.
Dicken Schrader and his kids Milah and Korben perform ”Everything Counts” by Depeche Mode. Love this. So. Much.
Dicken Schrader: 80’s keyboard, xylophone, kazoo, tambourine, Coke bottle and voice.
Milah Schrader: Recorder, rattle, windchime and voice.
Korben Schrader: Toy keyboard, maraca, cheese grater and voice.
Music and lyrics by Martin L. Gore (Depeche Mode)
Check out this awesome little iPad app called ‘Petting Zoo’. It features over 20 anima characters that are simply amazing to interact with. If you’ve ever wondered if a dog can breakdance, this app is for you. Oh, and the kid will love it too.
If you’re anything like us your garage is going to fill up with a pile of bikes before you know it. That’s why we were so pleased to find this awesome little DIY project over at the Kid’s Activities blog. With simple PVC cut to the right size and a little help from the kid, you could have yourself a brand new bike rack and one fun afternoon building it.
Check out the full instructions here.
An entire art exhibit you get to color in yourself? Yes please!
Color Me ____ art exhibit at Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art, featuring Andrew Neyer (www.andrewneyer.com) and Andy J. Miller (www.designkoma.com). Video by Joust (www.joust.co).
Ever wonder about the life of one little drop of water? Well here’s a fan-stinkin’-tastic stop motion video that explains the whole enchilada.
Film by Chris Turner, Helen Friel and Jess Deacon
Revolution ( Life Cycle of a Drop of Water). from chris turner on Vimeo.
Thought walking was a piece of cake huh? Think again! Masterclass host and personality Ace Greenhorn takes us step by step through the wide wold of walking. Whether you want to appreciate your current skill set a little more or learn some new tricks, this class is for you.
Walking: A Masterclass from Ace Greenhorn on Vimeo.
We just discovered an AMAZING little website called Olive Us.
The weekly episodes demonstrate the Blair’s family values in an unbelievably creative and earnest way. The story telling of the film making is captivating and inspiring to say the least. Production props and credits go to Tiger in a Jar.
And just because we’re so excited about this little series here’s another off-season video that is just too cool.
The Centrifuge Brain Project is a short (fictional!) film by German digital artist Till Nowak about making super-imaginative amusement park rides that are completely unhinged from reality, or as “Chief Engineer” Dr. Nick Laslowicz says, “These machines provide total freedom…”
What’s your amusement park ride look like if you don’t have to worry about physics?